Dec 22, 2004 11:38
hey ok well alot has happened in thepast few weeks
this song Angel showed me pretty much explains it from his point of view.
i dont have much time but yea whateva
this song is great huh? yall read it and let me know at yall tink
well eveyrone have a good christmas and happy new eyars if im not on!
be safe!
a song by seth
this is a story of why my life sucks
you don't answer the phone
you leave me all alone
you avoid in whichever way you can
it's like you had this shit planned
so now here i sit
feeling like shit
and i found out
just what the break up was about
the8thvictim: she's fuckin some black guy
i don't know why
but that anaconda is something i can't beat
because my ex girlfriend likes the dark meat
the8thvictim: well i understand why you went away
cuz fuckin you is like throwing a pencil down a hallway
he made you open like a 711
thought you were in heaven
yeah enjoy that big cock girl
yup she's down with the swirl
boutchillin: and her pussie smells like feet
the8thvictim: makes me sick to even think about it
makes me feel down right like shit
i can't even imagine what that's like
i'dve been less worried if she became a dyke
but no she's fuckin a guy, who wants to just fuck
she leaves me for a sexaholic, haha just my luck
the8thvictim: i can't look her in the eye anymore
now that she's a whore
when i see her on the street
i'll just know
she likes the dark meat