An Introduction!

Mar 15, 2014 19:50

Hi there!

I like to be known by my handle Empire, and I’m a university student going into my 2nd year of study in a 3-year long course. I’ve only just very recently gotten obsessed with lolita fashion (literally within the last 3 or 4 days) even though I’ve known about it since circa 2008.

I do handicrafts, such as polymer clay miniatures, and am most likely going to post tutorials for handmade sweet loli accessories if my own “expeditions” go well!

This livejournal (my very first!) will track my adventures with all things sweets related, and here are my goal topics to blog regularly about:
- sweet lolita
- lolita accessory DIYs
- my weight loss journey (a constant battle with my sweet tooth :1)

It’s nice to meet you and I hope you’ll come along for the journey :)
x Empire


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