Jun 02, 2010 16:17
Let me think this out and you can come along for the ride.
Traditionally, Republicans are about personal rights through "freedom" and democrates are about personal rights through "government aid". Right? Republicans have traditionally owned the company and had the money while democrates would be the union and the workers.
Now, my time spent with republicans has showed me that, generally, they have the money and they want personal freedom as long as it allows them to keep the money. They say, "To each his own and you don't need government help with anything because that means government control and thent he government will be meddling in your personal affairs."
Democrats are more like, "We want to take care of you so we will offer welfare and assistance through government run programs because we are a wealthy country and we can spread the wealth. However, you have to answer some questions if you want our help because we want to make sure that you are accountable. Help us help you."
Here's the issue. In recent years I have noticed that the republicans are all about personal freedom and "small business". (That last bit is ironic because reps have usually been for big business and dems have usually been for small business.) Why is it then that they are upset that the dems are trying to regulate the big banks, help the people that can't afford insurance, and who are making the oil companies clean up their own spill? From where I'm sitting, it looks a lot like Obama is saying, "I really don't care which one of you fixes it, just fix it because it's you're fault."