Apr 06, 2006 20:03
Right. so. being home all day isn't all that bad.
annnnnnnd the OC is on tonight.
screamsosoftlyx : boys xajf jsdfbsjdg I hate them
yup. she knows just what to say. haha
It's always boy troubles. and it really shouldn't be.
How is it so difficult to be happy with the one you are with.
and if your not with anyone right now
why is it so hard to find someone to be with?
Just to make you happy for a little while.
Why do we obsess over these people.
when there could be someone else out there
that is so much better for you.
You were just too busy obsessing
over this asshole that u didn't notice anyone else..
If i'm rambling. it's the medication talking.
I have had the craziest dreams lately.
and I always wake up and realize i'm staring at the clock.
fucked up nights. not even gonna lie.
i love my ipod.
and i love dancing around the house.
and singing with geiger.
jfksdjfskf. goodbye. <3333333