Alisa and Teresa's amazing convo

Nov 12, 2004 23:56

Allright so after not talking to her in, forver it makes sense that we would have this sort of a conversation, right? Iv'e taken the privlidge of taking out the reaalyy boring parts to save all my readers time.

(We say some unmeanigful things here)
HearTBreAka3814: whatsthis about ny?
HearTBreAka3814: in your lj?
alisa151rose: thats what the test is for
HearTBreAka3814: you r mvoing to ny?
alisa151rose: nooo but i might go to a boarding school there
HearTBreAka3814: ah?
HearTBreAka3814: i meant
HearTBreAka3814: ahhhhhhh!
HearTBreAka3814: i can never seem to express myself very well
alisa151rose: haha nice
HearTBreAka3814: why would you parents EVER send you to NY!?
HearTBreAka3814: i mean its an amazing place but its so FAR
alisa151rose: theyre not sending me, i wanan go
HearTBreAka3814: well why don't you want to take the test?
HearTBreAka3814: you make it seem like your unhappy about going
alisa151rose: i kinda am...
alisa151rose: i wanted to for so long
HearTBreAka3814: it makes sense
alisa151rose: but now it seems liek things are okay
HearTBreAka3814: to be so torn
HearTBreAka3814: things werent okay before?
alisa151rose: you knwo when things are really really bad..and you're lijke in a huge slump and you hate life
(I say something unmeanigful here)
alisa151rose: it was like that.
alisa151rose: and..i jsut wanted to leave
HearTBreAka3814: yu were depressed enuff to want to get as far away as Ny?
alisa151rose: so i apid 80 dollars to take a test to go to a boarding school
HearTBreAka3814: but NY would be cool
alisa151rose: it coulddd
HearTBreAka3814: id' totally come visit you
alisa151rose: boarding school could be cool, that i have to admit
alisa151rose: but it could also suck the big one
alisa151rose: right now, i dont want to go, but i might want to go in a few months, so i dont want to like..not take the test or anything...i dont knowwww
HearTBreAka3814: it sounds realy confusing
alisa151rose: it issss
alisa151rose: i have no idea what to do, and like...if i ask my friends theyd all be like STAYYYY cause theyre selfish like that
HearTBreAka3814: but myabe you'll do reaalyy bad on the test and you won;t hafta go
alisa151rose: maybe
HearTBreAka3814: okay that was not the right thing to say
HearTBreAka3814: sorry
alisa151rose: but connor took it and said it was really easy
alisa151rose: hahaha yeah thats okay
HearTBreAka3814: im really bad a chearing people up
HearTBreAka3814: i usually just bake browinies or something
alisa151rose: i bake brownies all the time,c ause its the only thing i can make...but im so bad at it
alisa151rose: i made it for my italian class and they were all like wtf is this
HearTBreAka3814: i had to ask my mom to help me with the mxing thing
HearTBreAka3814: im a faliure
alisa151rose: hahaha
alisa151rose: you know hate brittani loukas?
HearTBreAka3814: i think id would be cool if you got to go to boarding school in ny
HearTBreAka3814: is itnear the city?
HearTBreAka3814: i dont hate her
HearTBreAka3814: i dont; know her anymore
HearTBreAka3814: she thinks I hate her right?
HearTBreAka3814: she was just a bitch growing up
alisa151rose: its an hour from the city
alisa151rose: she was
alisa151rose: well, 7 people ran for student council, and 5 made it...and she wasnt one of them
alisa151rose: just in case you know, comfort for all the pain she caused you as a 7 year old
HearTBreAka3814: yeah....
HearTBreAka3814: ha ha ha ah
HearTBreAka3814: omg alisa
alisa151rose: yesss?
HearTBreAka3814: alisa I think Ive suddenly remeber why I loved you so much growing up
alisa151rose: why?
HearTBreAka3814: becuz you just made my day
(I say something unmeanigful here)
alisa151rose: hahha thats awesome
HearTBreAka3814: i was just having a flahs back the toher day about how one day I was being really bossy and made you do some work sheet for me and you frogot to write the "e" after the and my mom was like "what are you retarded you can't write the word the?"
alisa151rose: hahaha
HearTBreAka3814: well maybe not exactly like "your retarded" but something close to that
alisa151rose: i remember a little bit of 2nd grade...but not that much
alisa151rose: like you claim that you were really bossy...but i dont remember that ever happening
HearTBreAka3814: yeah you were stoned most of elementray school
HearTBreAka3814: i was pretty damn bossy and sort of slutty
alisa151rose: hahahah
alisa151rose: you have a curruptive view of elemetry school
HearTBreAka3814: i like had 4 bfs at one point
HearTBreAka3814: and i swear.. i think mastrubated in like kindergarten
alisa151rose: disgustingggg
HearTBreAka3814: which is unbelievabely sick
HearTBreAka3814: but i was like the dirrtiest kindergartenere everrr
alisa151rose: did i know you then
HearTBreAka3814: and i may be only joshing you
(I say something unmeanigful here)
HearTBreAka3814: but i was dirty.. i made my poor innocent barbies have sex
alisa151rose: hahah wtf
HearTBreAka3814: watertwon was a very corruptive school system
alisa151rose: ewww
alisa151rose: did you hear about what happened in our school
alisa151rose: like a week ago
HearTBreAka3814: no
HearTBreAka3814: what?
alisa151rose: you dont knowww
alisa151rose: these kids, got high before school
alisa151rose: they were freshmen
alisa151rose: and cj started like...tweaking out and crying and screaming he didnt knolw where he was
alisa151rose: cause i dont know i guess it was laced with something
HearTBreAka3814: everyone get high before classes at my school
alisa151rose: yeahh
HearTBreAka3814: laced?
alisa151rose: but cj had mono
HearTBreAka3814: are you serios?
alisa151rose: hmm yup
alisa151rose: and cj was sick and he and kyle had to go to the hospital
alisa151rose: the person who sold it might be arrested cause hes like 18 or 17
alisa151rose: and the person who gave it to the sebouh i dont know how much trouble hes in
HearTBreAka3814: wow thats fucked up
alisa151rose: but they drug raided our school and shit it was terrible
HearTBreAka3814: wow
HearTBreAka3814: only in watertown or roxbury
HearTBreAka3814: actually
alisa151rose: hmm
HearTBreAka3814: newton are a bunch of stoners
HearTBreAka3814: seriosuly
alisa151rose: hahaha us tooo
HearTBreAka3814: i dont know how they get through the day.. they are soo fucked up
alisa151rose: my brothers a stoner
alisa151rose: he doesnt like it when ica ll him that, cause he doesnt smoke a lot...but he smokes and thats enough
HearTBreAka3814: and how exactly do I respond to that?
HearTBreAka3814: I;ve never smoked anything.. I;ve been starting to get a concsience
alisa151rose: woah, seriously
HearTBreAka3814: which sucks.. i feel guilty when ever I do seomthing bad
HearTBreAka3814: yeah I'm very protected
alisa151rose: i dont know...i dont smoke
alisa151rose: but like...just cause i think its dumb and i dont see the point
alisa151rose: i'm really...boring. and preppy.
HearTBreAka3814: preppy!?
alisa151rose: yuppp
HearTBreAka3814: never heard that one before
alisa151rose: you'd be surprised, i actaully am a hug eprep
HearTBreAka3814: yes i have dumbasss
alisa151rose: woah, you scared me
HearTBreAka3814: eww what kind of a loserr do you think i am
HearTBreAka3814: i just said ive never heaed of anyone saying that preppies smoked
HearTBreAka3814: or well
alisa151rose: noooo
HearTBreAka3814: that it was a very "preppy thing to do"
alisa151rose: it isnt
alisa151rose: its a stoner thing to do
alisa151rose: but im really preppy cause i dont do it
HearTBreAka3814: okay i get it
HearTBreAka3814: you said im
HearTBreAka3814: not its
HearTBreAka3814: alrighty
alisa151rose: haha wow
HearTBreAka3814: im sort of a messed up girl
alisa151rose: yeahh you are
HearTBreAka3814: I have no problem being like "omg i LOOOVE MANSON!" or like "Labyrinth is the greatest movie in esentince"
HearTBreAka3814: btu i look like a prep
HearTBreAka3814: but i just like reaalyyy non preppy things
alisa151rose: i like preppy things
HearTBreAka3814: like what?
alisa151rose: like...bobby and amanda an drico are into like...rock
alisa151rose: and im more of a...kiss 108 kinda person
alisa151rose: kinda jamn, but not really
HearTBreAka3814: kiss 108
HearTBreAka3814: die alisa
HearTBreAka3814: jk!
HearTBreAka3814: but id rather listen to rock
alisa151rose: hmm im not a rock kinda person!
alisa151rose: im just too...preppy
alisa151rose: and shit
HearTBreAka3814: ha ha PREPPP
HearTBreAka3814: just kidding
alisa151rose: i ammm
alisa151rose: i'm a huge prep
alisa151rose: lets ask bobby
alisa151rose: see what he says
HearTBreAka3814: bobby as in bf bobby?
alisa151rose: alisa151rose: bobby arent i a prep?
MrMohawk98: o god whos tellin u ur not
alisa151rose: yup
HearTBreAka3814: i reaaally want to meet him
HearTBreAka3814: ha ha ha
HearTBreAka3814: ok your a prep i believe you
alisa151rose: yeahhhh i am
alisa151rose: i told him that you want to meet him
HearTBreAka3814: ha ha
HearTBreAka3814: and he was like "stalkerrr" right?
alisa151rose: haha he hasnt answered me
alisa151rose: hes one of those peopel who walk away from their computer
alisa151rose: so you dont know if theyre there or not...and they just dont answer you and you wanna beat them to deathhhhhhhh
alisa151rose: MrMohawk98: and ur preppines has wat to do with her meating me?
alisa151rose: yeah hes dumb
HearTBreAka3814: ha ha ha
HearTBreAka3814: i wish i still had a boyfriend
alisa151rose: what happened toy our last one?
HearTBreAka3814: arghh i dont knowww
alisa151rose: bobby says that you must not see me much if you doubt my preppiness
HearTBreAka3814: he still likes me which is awkward cuz i never really liked him much
alisa151rose: haha what was his name?
HearTBreAka3814: well i saw you during the summer.....
HearTBreAka3814: hymlair
alisa151rose: woah
HearTBreAka3814: i think.. at the carnivale
HearTBreAka3814: and I was like "omg Rico is mucho hot"

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