First of all, happy Valentine's day, everyone!
Second of all -
moonwind_rising and I have at last launched
our mission of brilliance. No kidding, we've been planning this thing for months. :X:X
If you are a closet Emmett/Brian shipper, if you appreciate rare pairings, if you champion the underdog (like Michael/Ben, yo!), if you think Ted needs more love -- then come sign up at
cue_the_pulse. It's like a fantastic Secret Santa-type thing, only - umm, in the spring. And it's just not for fic-writers, either! You can make icons! Hell, even vids, although that might be harder with some of the more unconventional pairings. (Although I want to see a Brian/Vance vid set to "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hounddog" come out of this. Just sayin'.)
Sign-up is open until February 25th. More details
here! (The shameless pimping has only just begun.)