(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 00:51

My yuletide fic is done. I'm pretty happy with it, though it's a vastly different style than the style I usually write in. Just a few more edits, and we'll see if I can figure out the upload aspect of things.

Randomly, >:D< to my friends list. You are all so busy and tired! I know how you feel.

I have been called "ma'am" at least three times in the past two days alone. The only way this could piss me off more would be if I were actually old enough to even be considered a ma'am. Argh.

Please excuse any and all lapses in communication. I can't even begin to think beyond the bare bones of clicking aimlessly and rambling in my lj. Actual interaction is difficult.

Example: I have been trading stilted phone messages with one of my best friends for three days. I always call her while walking home, and get her voicemail - my messages consist of "I am so cold, my fingers are freezing off, it is so fucking cold, anyway, I'm going to keep talking because it's dark outside and I'm walking home and if people see me talking on my cellphone they will probably go 'Oh, I shall not rape her, she's on her phone' and so that's awesome - did I mention I am so incredibly cold." And so on, for about three minutes at a go. Probably my friend will hate me once I finally get in touch with her.

By the way. Outside? It's really fucking cold.

ETA: Oh man, I suck, sorry. Happy birthday, viola69! You are fantastic, and always so nice. Hope you have a good one.


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