(no subject)

Dec 09, 2004 23:31

_in_babylon linked to my 3am half-asleep B/M badfic, and I can no longer pretend it does not exist. Drat! I apologize to, umm, everyone, but especially mojokitten because she is the one I write all my serious B/M fic for, kthx. (And I guess I will apologize to luckycharm_13 for the initial trauma.)

(Dear luckycharm_13 - I still blame you for inciting such urges in me. Oh yes. Love, Boobs Sweets.)

We won't discuss how I worked three hours extra at the store today, and instead will move on quickly to more pleasant non-brain numbing things, like how I am now really trying to crank out some more amnesia!Brian. I am psyched that y'all dug it, yo. I don't know when I'll have more, but I'll keep posting it in little bits if I have to. We'll see.

Without a Trace almost made me cry. Aww. And if you can believe it, I actually got up and walked out of the room fifteen minutes from the end, because they flashed the obligatory missing kid up on the screen and I thought it was over. I was like, "Wow, that's an evil cliffhanger." My father had to point out that the clock read 10:44. AND I AM VERY VERY TIRED, OK.

You were completely right when you said that you were the only one of my friends that would understand my excitement over "SABLE BROWN"-COLORED GROUT in my BEAUTIFUL NEW BATHROOM THAT NOW HAS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER OMG. I will measure my seat for you. :X:X:X Also, I need to call you about the gang's Christmas plans. They are very confusing. I am not sure what is going on. Apparently things hinge upon the Viceroy aka "What do you get the half-Iranian death metal/TMBG/Rush-fan Ayn-Randist who has everything?"'s work schedule, or girlfriend schedule, or something. (My answer is a little plastic gun that shoots plastic cats, aka THE CAT-A-PULT.) djksal;dja; I will call you tomorrow. It would make more sense to leave messages for you in my lj if you were nearly as geeky as me and if lj didn't take ages to load on your computer. So this is pointless, and I am babbling. Obviously. Shutting up. Tomorrow, yes.

life_wooork, life_friendlove

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