(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 11:48

Ouch. I just managed to drag myself out of bed, and my head feels like a huge rotting log is perched on the back of my neck. Brief election post before I stumble off to go find some breakfast.

I can't post one of those little "I voted" gifs because, well. As previously mentioned, I turn 18 in nine days. Argh. Even my parents have started saying "Yeah, damnit, why didn't you get born sooner?" But my polling place report is:

Both of my parents voted this morning. And my mother wore a black hoodie (a la Mosh video, I believe), and her t-shirt for Code Pink. Have I mentioned lately how cool my mother is? (My father too, of course. But he did not dress the part.)

Also, she said there was a line.

nanowrimo count: 610 words

misc_politics, life_parentlove

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