
Oct 18, 2004 15:08

It's so weird to hear that someone you've known all your life will probably die within five days ( Read more... )

misc_poetry, life_oh life

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sweetestdrain October 18 2004, 22:33:57 UTC
Yeah, well. *hugs back*

Thanks. :)

It's still weird. I feel horribly morbid trying to figure out what poem to read when she's not even dead just yet.

(And yes, we obviously do have the same life. :S Blah. I think Alzheimer's is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to someone, too. I really hope that my parents don't get it.)


twistinside82 October 18 2004, 12:23:08 UTC
I think that, even as terrible as death is, when it's expected it's easier to deal with. And in the case of Alzheimer's patients, sometimes it's even preferred. Just to know the person isn't suffering any longer. It's still tough, it's still death, it still sucks, but you've been losing her for a long time to the disease.

Still, *hugs* It's never fun.


sweetestdrain October 18 2004, 22:19:57 UTC
Yeah. Exactly. My father's said for a while that he did all his mourning for her a long time ago - and that now he just wants her not to linger, because she never would have wanted that. And I'm pretty sure that's how I feel about it too.

Thank you. :)


mi_nion October 18 2004, 12:46:29 UTC
Alzheimers is one of the diseases that makes you almost welcome the end. My beautiful grandmother was gone long before we buried her body.

Read the poem that your heart tells you to read, whether it's the one you wrote or one you feel is more appropriate.

I am truly sorry for your loss.


sweetestdrain October 18 2004, 22:15:03 UTC
Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.


beatperfume October 18 2004, 12:53:24 UTC
I felt the same way when my grandmother died. She'd had Parkinson's and Dementia for years before she died, so for a long time I felt like I didn't really have her anyway. By the time she died she couldn't even talk to us, so I thought it was probably better for her when she died.

I also felt bad because her funeral was a chance to be with a side of the family I don't see a lot. We love each other a lot, so we had a good time being with each other, even if the occaision wasn't a happy one. But then I felt better because I think that's what I'd like my funeral to be like: people being together who maybe don't have the chance to a lot and enjoying being with each other. I'd much rather have people laughing at my funeral than crying.

But that's neither here nor there, I guess. No matter what, it's always sad when someone dies. I'm sorry for you and your family's loss, and I'm sure whatever poem you pick they and your grandmother will appreciate it.


sweetestdrain October 18 2004, 22:38:58 UTC

The way I'm choosing to look at it, people can't help the emotions they feel, or the thoughts that come to mind. So anything goes - I shouldn't feel bad about being relieved, etc. :S

I'm sorry about your grandmother. It sounds like it was a nice funeral though, and that you all made the best of sad circumstances. And that's pretty cool.


luckycharm_13 October 18 2004, 16:49:39 UTC
Oh Sweets!


You know I'm around if you want to vent/chat/beat someone up


sweetestdrain October 18 2004, 22:16:53 UTC
You're lovely. >:D


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