May 20, 2004 01:09


Oh god. Angel wants to slay the dragon. My mind is going all sorts of distorted St. George and British myth and handsome prince places and oh god. A dragon. I'm going to believe that he slays it, man, otherwise I'll have a breakdown.

Connor. I love Connor. I mean, no, I hated Connor back when he was creepy and evil, but since he got all sweet and mixed-memory, I could seriously throw him on any available surface and ravish him. (Unfortunately I am not his type, seeing as I am, what? A year younger? How old is Connor? But there goes the older woman thing. Also I don't look that fantastic in leather. It makes my complexion pasty. Oh yes, I'm rambling in denial right about now.)

I couldn't see Wesley having a happy ending. Sometimes they just fuck characters up to the point of no return. But it still made me cry - I used to love Wesley, and Illyria's reactions broke my heart.

Spike! OHMYFUCKINGGOD he read his "bloody awful" poetry at a dingey cafe and they loved it! That made me so happy! (Total poetry slam geek, here, so utterly hysterical.)

Spike is a constant, for me. There is no way Spike will die. Ever.

Lindsey. Oh. "I want you, Lindsey," ha HA. And Eve made me cry too, a little bit, with her "This isn't a fairytale."

Lorne depressed the shit out of me. Like seriously. Dying nobly is one thing, but seeing a character you respect totally losing faith like that is just a total bummer. So the whole Lorne thing is supposed to be a metaphor for Joss, is that right?

Gunn was sweet. Hmm. Yeah. 10 minutes. But he's going down fighting, and he knows where he is, so I don't really think he'll mind too bad.

And as for Angel... huh. Y'know, I've been watching the show since it started, and I think I've finally decided. I kinda like the guy.

He's such a girl, though.


Goodbye, my dear show.

And goodnight all. I'm gonna go wipe off my glasses and go to bed.
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