oh yeah, LJ!

May 11, 2012 00:00

It's probably about time for me to make a proper update on like, life and stuff. I'm nearly finished with my MFA, just one more signature and a few more revisions to go, and then in a month I'm moving back home. I'll miss it here! This has been an awesome three years of learning and writing and teaching... and hardly ever posting to LJ about any of it. Hee.

As far as fandom goes, I think I've posted briefly in the past about comic books (Captain America! The Avengers! ...Batman! yes, I know) and tumblr, and both of these things continue to eat my life. Do I have actual thoughts on the Avengers movie, or do I just have mindless squee in the form of pretty pictures I reblog on my tumblr? Probably the latter.

The Avengers squee is seeping out into other projects by those actors, too. The other night, what_alchemy and I had a toenail-painting party while we watched 13 Going on 30 (Mark Ruffalo at his most adorable!), Weird Science (buckets of awful, why did no one warn me?), and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (wherein Gay Perry is still the awesomest). I tried to paint my toenails in Hulk colors in honor of Mark Ruffalo, and when that went wrong (as evidenced by what_alchemy's supportive, "You can always use polish remover and re-do them!"), I covered them in a layer of black crackle polish, and now they just look like 1980s children's cartoons vomited on my feet. (As does the Hulk, really, so I guess that makes sense.)

(For the Avengers premiere, which I saw as part of the all-day Marvel Movie Marathon, I had Iron Man fingernails -- those were far more successful. Listen, practicing crazy things with fingernail polish is a GREAT way to procrastinate revising your thesis!)

What else was I going to say? I don't know how to make LJ posts anymore.

Oh! I also meant to post ages ago to point everyone at the fabulous Ferris Bueller's Day Off vid that fan_eunice made for me: When My Boy Walks Down the Street. If you never shipped this movie's OT3, now's your chance to start. If you always did, then -- holy shit, Eunice vidded it and it is awesome and totally moving. Agh.

movies_avengers, recs_vids

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