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musesfool February 14 2009, 05:57:35 UTC
I think Daniel is going to turn out to be Kara's dad, but if the robot genderfuckery makes you happy, by all means, carry on.


jarrow February 14 2009, 07:07:39 UTC
I agree - I think it's her Dad. We already know he was a musician, and it would make her special in her own way. We'll see!


musesfool February 14 2009, 17:26:27 UTC


amothea February 14 2009, 07:51:05 UTC
that never even occurred to me but it makes so much sense! especially considering all this stuff happened 40 years in the past, Kara is totally old/young enough to be a cylon's daughter.


musesfool February 14 2009, 17:26:13 UTC
It would explain why she's so "special."


sweetestdrain February 15 2009, 01:36:26 UTC
Oh, sure, a theory that makes SENSE. Heh. That would definitely explain a lot, and without resorting to crazy sex-change shenanigans, even!


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