I have not yet had time to sit down and answer all the lovely comments on my last fic... and unfortunately, will not get a chance to until after I return from a long weekend away. (Assuming that I ever actually get "away"--I meant to leave yesterday, but my state is apparently a federally-approved disaster area due to ice and power outages, and the refueling pumps at the airport were out of power, too. Trying again today.) In the meantime, though, I wanted to offer up a general "thank you!" for any of y'all that stumble this way. If school doesn't eat my soul in the next few weeks, you will be seeing more Merlin (and other) stuff from me.
At some point I may post about Peach, Plum, Pear and exactly how many liberties I took with Arthurian legend (with the help of Wikipedia!), or maybe offer up the song the title comes from, but... I have to take a shower and run out of town. Oops. I will, however, point you to the
adorable fanart that
xsmoonshine drew based on the fic. It made me very happy.
my name is up at the Great Vidding Truth Meme, and I am always in the market for more truthiness. Go ahead! Truth me!
I think that's it. Actual content once I return!