[stickypost] FIC!

Jun 19, 2010 22:23

last updated 1/26/09


Digger of Holes in the Land (gen, written for yuletide 2007)
Ben Hawkins drifted in the fever for three days.

Dead Like Me:

A Time To Reap (gen, written for yuletide 2004)
There's nothing more jovial than Christmas Eve at Der Waffel Haus.

Some People Ride the Wave (gen, written for yuletide 2005)
The moment and the moments before, or: "George doesn't actually like yoga."

Doctor Who:

Nobody's a Long Time (Doctor/Jack, written for the Tenth Doctor Ficathon)
The Doctor was beginning to talk to himself.

Due South:

all the other kids (Fraser/Kowalski pre-slash)
“You got the rhythm of a toothpick, Fraser.”

Comes a Time (Fraser/Kowalski pre-slash, ds_flashfiction apocalypse challenge)
“Shouldn’t we be renting a storm cellar or a bomb shelter or something, then?”
Ways + Means (Fraser/Kowalski, written for ds_seekritsanta)
Ray had no idea where Fraser was going with this, so he just kept listening. It sounded like some peculiar kind of Canadian torture; tie ‘em down and ask them to talk about their feelings.

Peach, Plum, Pear (Merlin/Arthur, futurefic)
How in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.


Discerning of Spirits (Paul/Alva, written for yuletide 2008)
The more Paul sees, the less he knows.

The Pretender:

And this old world is a new world (Jarod, Kyle, mild incest, written for yuletide 2006)
"That's all going to change, now that we're together. I promise you." Jarod and Kyle escape. AU after the events of 'Red Rock Jarod'.

Queer as Folk:

Ain't It Sweet (Brian/Justin, explicit)
“So, you’re baking!” Justin said brightly. “This is. Nice.”

always, and all that other stuff (Brian/Michael, friendship)
They always said that he was in love with Brian, and they were right, but they were wrong, too.

The Book of Right-On (Brian/Vance)
And it was all over, it was done. Buh-bye, Brian Kinney.

Boys of Melody (Brian/Justin, Brian/other, character death)
They gave Brian four boxes of Justin’s sketchbooks, with an apologetic smile and a “He would have wanted you to have them.”

Brian Like Me (co-written with eleveninches, Brian/Justin) - parts one and two.
Brian learns he has a destiny. He promptly rejects it.

Come In Burned (Brian/Justin, Cody/Justin, explicit)
Brian will look up, and there’ll be a flash of something in his eyes, but he’ll grin and say, “What, did you fuck him?” like it’s a joke.

the Deep Thing (Brian/Justin, post 5x10)
It started raining more than an hour ago, and Justin is still flinching at the sound of thunder.

Gift Horses (Brian/Emmett)
“Yeah,” said Brian. “You’ll be a great Jackie Kennedy.”

Glow (Brian/Justin, sequel to Regards)
Justin broke away. "Brian," and his voice was rough too, like he'd been swallowing tears and snot all night.

Grace, Too (Brian/Justin, Sam/Justin) - parts one, two, three and four.
It was every cliché he could think of about LA.

Haunted By My Immortal (co-written with moonwind_rising, utter crack)
justin taylor wanted to die. he simply couldn't go on in a life devoid of brian. his heart was like a hollow lump of cracked, shattered glass that he carried around in his ribcage.

Impression (Lindsay/Melanie, implied Lindsay/Sam)
What was she to him? A Galatea of his very own?

Inside Spaces (Brian/Justin, explicit)
He felt like he was fucking doomed. Brian was not okay. But Justin’s fingers in his ass? That part was okay.

Lindsay's Nefarious Baby-Eating Habit (crack, so much crack)
“My goodness,” said Emmett Honeycutt, “This meatloaf is delicious. Whatever did you put in it? It tastes almost...”

New (Brian/Michael, friendship)
The funny thing is, Brian forgets about it until Michael says something.

No Bother (Hunter/Daphne)
There was something else in the way they walked together...

Recursion (Brian/Justin)
The night before Justin leaves, they take down the thing over the bed.

Regards (Brian/Justin, explicit)
As soon as Brian got off the plane, things were different.

Retrograde (Brian/Justin, perpetually unfinished) - parts one, two, three and four.
Brian loses his memory.

Rimming of Doom! (co-written with moonwind_rising, crackcrackCRACK)

See the World (Lindsay/Brian, friendship)
It’ll be hard sometimes, not to encourage Gus along a path of her own choosing.

It’s all there, laying right off the edge of a crumpled page.

The Slant (Brian/Justin, explicit)
They still lived in the same city. It wasn’t like it was that odd to see Chris Hobbes walking down the street in broad daylight.

Untitled Brian and Gus Ficlet (crack)
About the time Gus started screaming was about the time Brian started to think it hadn’t been such a great idea to bring the kid to Babylon with him.

Waiting for an Earthquake (post 4x04)
Justin doesn’t go back to his and Daphne’s apartment, not immediately.

Your Kingbird (Brian/Justin, hustler AU, explicit) - parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. (complete)
"Your kingbird doesn't give a damn/for murderers of high estate"... AU set in late season three. Brian Kinney looks for Jason Kemp's killer, and finds a lot more along the way.


anywhere except the mouth (Sam/Dean, explicit)
Sam's hair is sweaty and thick at the nape of his neck.

As We Are So Wonderfully Done With Each Other (Sam/Dean, explicit, genderswap, 18,000+ words)
"You got some hot lesbian action and you didn't invite me, Sammy?"

Commedia (gen, post 2x21)
Sam wakes up in a supermarket.

Not To Turn Around (Jo/female, explicit)
Jo knows better, she really does, but it's been a long few months on her own and she's not too picky for company these days.

Swear By All Flowers (Sam/Dean, explicit, 37,000+ words, written for spn_j2_bigbang)
Two years after the yellow-eyed demon is defeated, the Winchesters are still waiting for their happy ending.

Veronica Mars:

For Patterns And (vignette)
Veronica has been growing her hair out.

simulate the obvious (implied Lilly/Veronica)
She feels awkward but somehow fascinated. Not a new feeling around Lilly.

tv_supernatural, tv_carnivale, tv_merlin, tv_dead like me, tv_due south, tv_the pretender, tv_veronica mars, fic, tv_doctor who, fic_yuletide, tv_miracles, tv_queer as folk

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