ack + HI SHOWS

Oct 08, 2007 14:44

Just registered for Yuletide! Ack. I still didn't offer as many fandoms as I know I could, (the absolute FEAR of writing some of them being the main driving force behind not choosing them), but I did strike out into new, broader categories. Not to give anything away, but those mythology and historical-RPF categories are VAST, man. /me crosses fingers for an assignment that is challenging but not terrifying.

I have been watching shows! I have thoughts! Well, sort of thoughts. Here, have some random thoughty things.

To get the anti-squee out of the way first: WOW. They made it through a whole episode and only brutally killed one woman and one black man! Oh, wait, if we count the demon-possessee(s), that's more like two or three women. Well, still, they only brutally killed one woman while filming with the camera two inches from her blood-spurting head.

Also, was I the only person that completely lost count of the seven sins? At the end of the episode, I was only counting five; I had to go back with CHARTS and DIAGRAMS to verify that all of them were, indeed, accounted for. Which they were, in case you were wondering. Also, although I liked how they handled the scene where Tamara is exorcising the demon in the next room -- kind of brings home how everyday this kind of crazy stuff is, that they can talk shop over the sounds of screaming and chanting in Latin -- I felt like we should have cut to Tamara as the demon actually came out of the dude, because having it all happen offscreen was kind of misleading. I found myself thinking that the demon had somehow jumped into her, and that was why we hadn't actually seen the exorcism happen, but then I came to realize that wasn't the show's intention. I guess they blew all their budget on that (flipping AWESOME) cloud of demons at the beginning of the show.

That said, I liked the episode. There was a cool ensemble-ish feel going on, which I liked. It detracted a bit from the boys (and their emomanpainANGST), but in turn it gave us Bobby! And the cool hunter couple! And that random chick with the awesome demon-killing knife! Speaking of whom -- I am looking forward to seeing more of her. I don't care if she's a Mary Sue, like people are saying. It's about time that this show had a Mary Sue or two.

(Just to clarify, Jo doesn't count; she got locked in a box, sexually assaulted, written into a corner, AND, after all that, she didn't even get to kiss the boy. Not a good Mary Sue at all. So, you see, by now, I totally want a hot blonde girl that kills fifteen demons and then disappears into the mist. I want her to be all morally ambiguous and have flippy perfect hair and make out with Winchesters up against walls and shit. I want that, okay? Now, let's just see if I get it.)

Wow, this episode review is coming off a lot less squeeful than I thought it was going to be. I liked it, I did! I love my show! It is BACK! Quick, some more good stuff! Umm, Dean. He's being a jerkface, but I find that interesting, so he can keep doing it for a couple more episodes. But... "After all I've done for this family..." FUCK YOU, DEAN. Who the hell are you to give Sam a guilt trip? I mean, sure, you have plenty of material for guilt trips, maybe you DO need to do a bit of sharing, but... not over this, dude. Not this one.

Sam! Boy King! SAM!! *flails and pets Sam's floppy hair a lot* Also, how much do I love that he knew the chick was following him? I love those little details -- these boys are not DUMB, okay. (At least, mostly.) Dangerous, highly trained, blahdeblah, yes. I want to see a lot more of this "boy king" stuff this season. I am sure the show will not disappoint.

BOBBY! On a side note, my mother has finally reached the same level of love for Bobby that she had for Ellsworth on Deadwood. And that is a LOTTA LOVE, y'all. She said, "Aww, why can't he just travel with the brothers all the time?" And really, why can't he? I mean, sure, I'm sure it cuts down on opportunities for incestuous gay sex, but... when you have to choose between that and BOBBY, well. No contest. They can always send him out for donuts if they need some alone time. (Anyway HI where was I.)

Dean. Dean, Dean, Dean. An appletini? Just... no. I maintain that this over-the-top girly action and related shenanigans are all part of Dean's clever plot to get Sam pissed off. I think having Sam coddle him is freaking Dean the hell out. He wants to get Sam's head back in the game, wants to forget that there's any reason Sam should be coddling him in the first place. And if that means he has to screw every girl he meets, well, sweet bonus. So, Dean, don't let it be that you're just being a jerkface for no reason. I am sure you have a reason, and I will be fine with whatever that reason is, as long as it is revealed soon.

The preview for next week: AAAAHHH. That is like my biggest phobia EVER. Noooo! Gah. WHY, SHOW, WHY.


Okay, I love this show, love love love. The twins are boring me, (ohmythemelodrama), but I think their special skillz are nifty... the girl brings on the toxic tears, and the boy makes them go away. Two halves of the same power, perhaps? Can't have one without the other? Makes me wonder what would happen if Peter met up with them... I would guess that they'd meld into the same power as he absorbed it, so he could bring on and disperse the toxic tears at will.

Speaking of Peter, I am guessing that the memory loss has quite a bit to do with why he's wearing the Haitian's necklace. And the Haitian's memory mojo is permanent, right? I am speculating-slash-hoping that Peter's amnesia is unfixable... how cool would it be to watch him have to rediscover his life, his abilities, his brother, etc.? I think that Peter relearning what he needs to know, and then building on it, would be so much more interesting than him just getting his memory back. Besides, what does he really have that he needs to remember? Angst, strife, fucked-up family, dead girlfriend, dead-end life until he got the abilities that were supposed to let him save the world, and then just ended up giving him more angst... I think he'd be better off without all that. He'd also have a new chance at doing something with his life; he wants so much to be meaningful, and here's an opportunity to start all over and be whatever person he wants to be. How cool is that? Seize the fucking amnesia, Peter. Do it! Sigh. If the show doesn't take this route, I will be SO DISAPPOINTED, y'all.

As always, I love Hiro, Claire, and Mr. Bennet, and they can do no wrong. Well, they can, but I will love them anyway. Their storylines are making me very happy. It is so HARD to be normal. It is so hard to deal with scary white men in ancient Japan! And the Haitian is back! And Mohinder is getting really good at playing himself, the feeble-minded professor, and he is undercover and it is awesome! And he and Matt Parkman are Molly's two daddies! And and and.

Yeah, um, I like this show. A lot. How did that happen?

All that, and then I forgot to talk about the pilot of Pushing Daisies. Too lazy to start another cut tag. Suffice it to say, I loved and I want to see more. Also, Chuck (the character on Pushing Daisies, not the show called Chuck) owns my soul. Hi, Chuck! Keep being awesome! I love you!

tv_supernatural, tv_heroes, tv_pushing daisies

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