bad luck with muffins

Sep 26, 2007 21:40

You see, I am incapable of eating an entire muffin in one sitting, so I usually end up saving half for later. Good deal, right? Unfortunately, I lack the ability to take proper care of my lingering muffins. I found one squished flat in the bottom of my bookbag last week, and it had been in there for at least two days. Just yesterday, I found ( Read more... )

misc_foodlove, life_oh life

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Comments 4

besquared September 27 2007, 06:57:17 UTC
I have the same difficulty with muffins! They are tricky to save.

You've just described me and my former roommate to a T. Except for the fact that we'd switch off being unamused with the other's shenanigans.


vagabondage September 27 2007, 12:22:13 UTC
I am waaaay too amused by your muffin issues... can't stop giggling!!!

If I were your roommate, your burrito impersonation would have me in hysterics on the floor. TOO CUTE!


jackiekjono September 27 2007, 18:17:34 UTC
Don't feel bad about the muffin-related memory loss. You are a college student. Bohemian eating habits are expected and often admired. If, like me, you continue this into your late (oh, God! I cant even say mid anymore) 30's, people may start dissapprovingly shaking their heads at you.


very_improbable September 29 2007, 06:26:37 UTC
...I'm so glad I'm not the only one with that muffin problem.


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