almost free (for the summer, anyway)

May 22, 2007 23:05

Instead of studying for my finals tomorrow, I am packing up my room and taking all the postcards and posters off my wall. Goodbye, hot Jared Padalecki! Goodbye, picture of me with friends! Goodbye, hot sword-fighting Uma Thurman! Goodbye, second picture of hot Jared Padalecki! It's so sad. And omg, I really need to study. It's so hot in my room that I'm wandering around in bra and jeans -- and the jeans may take off for parts unknown pretty soon. Hey, I walked in on my roommate naked this morning, I might as well let her return the favor.

Started replying to comments, then got overwhelmed and went and packed some more. I'll finish replying later, when I'm not insane and topless. I love everybody. And I have two fics to write, one fic to revise, and two vids to finish before I leave for France. Which will be in, uh, five days. Holy hell. I should also type up thoughts on finales... Supernatural, Heroes, Gilmore Girls, etc. Jeez.

Also, why is there no more Miracles? I found the DVDs on Amazon Marketplace for 9 bucks, and went through all the episodes way too quickly. Oh my god, I need MORE. *cries* there fic? Is there something?

And this may be a long shot, but, uh, would anyone happen to have some recs for CSI slash? Namely, Nick/Greg, Grissom/Greg, and... anything else along those lines? The longer and epic-er the better, but really, anything will do. And characterization doesn't matter so much if it's really epic and angsty. As long as it's not that one where Grissom thinks he's a dog, because that one gave me bizarro dreams for days.

(I have no idea why I get these random cravings. It's the finals, it must be.)

ETA: Oh!! Why have I never seen the little View Thumbnails option below where you select the userpic for your post? That is so NIFTY.

life_oh life, tv_miracles, misc_geekery, life_school y'all

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