3 things that have nothing to do with the fact I have not seen SPN yet

May 11, 2007 16:48

* "Time Lapse Video of Guy Driving Across the Country" [youtube]. It's actually a music video for some French DJ or something, but so neat. If that doesn't make you want to lapse into daydreams about Sam and Dean roadtripping, I don't know what will. God, I need to learn to drive. (While I'm at it, check out the time lapse rotting tomato. Mesmerizing.)

* Kenneth Patchen is quite possibly the best dead poet you've probably never heard of. Check out his picture poems and the limited selection available on this site. Especially this one. That doesn't give you a full idea of how awesome his writing is, but it might give you a taste. Patchen tackles the big things -- love, death, war, pain, passion and beauty, you know the ones -- and he does it so well it hurts.

* So, I was sitting there innocently listening to Led Zeppelin, like ya do, when all of a sudden I hear:

'twas in the darkest depths of Mordor
I met a girl so fair,
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up
And slipped away with her.

...is Ramble On actually about Frodo? C'mon y'all, you can tell me. Or is this one of those things that everyone's supposed to automatically know?

And the invisible 4th thing is that oh my God, I have not seen last night's Supernatural yet, and my flist is KILLING ME, y'all. So many freaking cut tags, and I am being so so good and not clicking on any of them and oh my God. There is wailing and gnashing of teeth here. I must know! (Don't tell me.) WHAT HAPPENS?? (No, really, spoil me and die. I'm watching the episode tonight. I can be strong. I just -- *flail*)

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie.

Opening Credits: "Fresh Feeling" by the Eels. Cool.
Birds, singing a song. Old paint is peeling, this is that fresh, that fresh feeling.

Birth: "Gravitate" by Rocco DeLuca and the Burden. A very self-centred birth, apparently.
I'm jealous of the world, the world is jealous of me. I see the way that it turns, dumb and beautiful.

First day at school: "Straight Outta Compton" covered by Nina Gordon. Hee.
Boy, you can't fuck with me, so when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck...

Falling in Love: "Love is a Losing Game" by Amy Winehouse. I am not even kidding.
Over futile odds, and laughed at by the Gods, and now the final frame...

Fight Song: "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. I guess that means I got my ass kicked?
Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.

Breaking Up: "Tell The King" by the Libertines. Mmmkay.
You're like a journalist, how you can cut and paste and twist. You're awful.

School Dance: "Yellow" by Coldplay, covered by a string quartet. Aww.

Life: "Wanted Dead Or Alive" by Bon Jovi. Ahaha. Or not.
I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.

Mental Breakdown: "Windowsill" by Arcade Fire. Awww! This is my Sam Winchester song! That makes way too much sense.
World War III, when are you coming for me? Been kicking up sparks, we set the flames free. The windows are locked now, so what'll it be?

Driving: "Hard To Handle" by the Black Crowes. Good cruising song.
Boys and things that come by the dozen, that ain't nothin' but drugstore lovin'.

Flashback: "Hateful" by the Clash. Well.
I've lost my memory. My mind? Behind! I can't see so clearly.

Wedding: "For Your Life" by Led Zeppelin. Is this song about cocaine?
You said I was the only, with my lemon in your hand. Exhibition is your habit, emotion second hand.

Birth Of Child: "Dead Mongoloid Loser" by The Illuminoids (mashup of Beck, Devo, Bauhaus). I am just about dying of laughter right now.
Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid, happier than you and me. Soy un peredor. Undead, undead, undead, the virginal brides.

Final Battle: "Down On The Corner" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. I...okay.
Early in the evenin' just about supper time, over by the courthouse they're starting to unwind.

Death Scene: "Leaves Do Fall" by the Rosebuds. I didn't even know I had this song, but I like it.
So I must go, my bones cost me to an earthen home to cradle me.

Funeral: "Vegas" by Sara Bareilles.
Listen up now, honey, you're gonna be sorry. You can't get up from under a sky that is falling.

Ending Credits: "Headache" by Frank Black. Aww.
This wrinkle in time, I can't give it no credit. I thought about my space and I really got me down.

Well, that was a rather depressing movie. On the run from the law, a loveless marriage, apparently I'm kind of a slut that goes cruisin' for girls, my only child dies (and is possibly zombie-fied), and then I'm accidentally killed by a bunch of kids that are goofing off in the street. And it all began so nicely!
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