FIC: Not To Turn Around (Supernatural, femslash)

Mar 31, 2007 12:06

I quite obviously am rebelling from the spn_j2_bigbang fic I should be writing in order to write a couple thousand words of dirty, dirty femslash in which neither of the participants is Sam or Dean in girl form. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) I swear this is not a PWP. Or, well, maybe it is a little. Okay, a lot ( Read more... )

tv_supernatural, fic

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Comments 11

scatterheart March 31 2007, 16:36:50 UTC
I'm not a huge fan of Jo, but that was really nice (and hot!) It's sort of hard to characterize her, I think, because we haven't seen that much of her, but this rang pretty true, especially with her insecurities and the rash actions in the second half. And the demon's voice was perfect (nice twist, too).

(The only problem I had with this fic was the straight-to-penetration angle of the smut, which is sort of my girl/girl pet peeve, but it made sense in context.)


sweetestdrain April 7 2007, 07:44:00 UTC
I'm glad that Jo rang true for you! Yes, it's rather tough to characterize her, and I think that kind of leaves her wide open for some varying interpretations -- hearing that my interpretation seemed realistic is very cool. Thanks!

(And I can see where the straight-to-penetration thing might not be to everybody's taste -- I must admit that I personally find it rather implausible for an "actual" girl/girl situation, but I ended up deciding that fictional demon girls have no such qualms. Heh. I'm glad it made sense in context for you, and I hope it didn't negatively affect your enjoyment of the rest of the fic.)


noirbabalon March 31 2007, 23:09:43 UTC
I liked the way Jo had grown up in BUABS. This is a really nice coda to the end of the story. I couldn't see Dean leaving her unprotected even if it was only just in case.

Liked Jo's delayed reaction to the shooting of the girl who the demon possessed as well. And her acceptance that we often are thrown in the middle of things we don't ask for.

Can we look forward to consequences? Would like to see this turned into an ongoing story.

Thank you!


sweetestdrain April 7 2007, 07:47:55 UTC
Yes! I was really impressed with the changes you can see in Jo in BUABS. She's not all the way grown yet, but you can really tell that being on her own has changed and affected her competence and level of maturity. She's more hunter. I really hope we see more of her.

I'm glad that you liked the fic, and that you'd like to see more! It'd be fun to write out the consequences, but I'm afraid I'm subject to the whim of whatever inspiration strikes me. If I get more ideas for Jo in the future, you can be sure I'll pursue them.

Thanks so much!


astrothsknot April 1 2007, 01:51:51 UTC
I love to read fic about Jo as a person, rather than the insipid Dean/Jo offerings some people offer.

And this? Was brilliant. I love the raw, dirty reality of it and then the quick fire twist and her escape - even to the point where she realises that she'd killed someone.



sweetestdrain April 7 2007, 07:52:05 UTC
I'm really glad you liked it! I was really experimenting with rhythm and pacing in this, too, so it's good to hear that the progression of events worked for you. Thank you!


athenejen April 1 2007, 21:14:02 UTC
Oh, damn, does this hit hard. Intense, dark, and very hot, with an excellent Jo-voice -- a bitter mix of straightforward, defensive, and aggressive that rings true to what we've seen so far on the show. Clever twists, too, with the demon and the anti-possession charm. Excellent.


sweetestdrain April 7 2007, 07:56:35 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed. It's also great to hear that those elements of Jo's character came across; I was trying hard to portray her as the person we've seen on the show, rather than a random girl-shaped hunter. I hope I succeeded.


elz April 3 2007, 00:57:30 UTC
Nice! I really like the twist, and how much sense it makes that the demon would go after Jo. And it's fascinating to think of Jo on the road on her own, undoubtedly falling into some tough situations and having to take risks and step outside her comfort zone - I think the story does a good job of capturing that.


sweetestdrain April 7 2007, 07:59:43 UTC
Glad you liked the fic! And yeah -- the idea of huh, maybe the demon would come back for Jo was the idea that drove my writing of the fic. I thought it was interesting that Jo was tangled up in the demon's shenanigans in BUABS, and I couldn't see it just ending there. (Or at least didn't want to.)



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