Give me that old vid religion.

Mar 30, 2007 15:42

Due to my procrastination and lack of backup mojo and/or blank CD-Rs, my vid collection has been massively depleted by my switch to my new laptop. I'm not too concerned about the losses, mainly because I know that many of them are still easily obtainable online (and those that weren't are the ones I kept). But in the interest of building my collection back to its former glory, I ask you, dear flist:

What vids do you think I absolutely cannot live without? Which must-have vids should I immediately rush to download again? Tell me what to snag first.

The fandom or, hell, even quality of editing doesn't really matter, not unless you think it does; I'm just looking for your vid id here.

And next, this question is similar, but not necessarily identical to the previous question. I'm sure some variation on this has been asked before, (and if it's been asked recently, feel free to whap me up the side of the head), but out of curiosity: Which five (or ten, if you prefer) vids would you take with you on a deserted island? We're assuming that you'd have the ability to watch these vids as many times as you'd like, without your watching appliance running out of power. Feel free to answer in a comment or even in your own LJ.

< / has sad, grandiose thoughts of starting a meme, but reconciles self to probable mediocrity>

In other news (and I really need to figure out a new segue, as that one's getting hopelessly tired), it was so nice and warm and spring-y outside today, that as I was walking back to my dorm from class, I decided to burst into song.

"It's springtime for Hitler and Germany!" I belted out, then paused, realizing I didn't know the rest of the words. After a moment's contemplation I decided I was not one to be stymied by such details, so I continued singing: "It's SPRING-time, for HIT-ler, and GER-man-YYY... Iiiit's Spriiing-time for Hitlerrrr, and Gerrrmaaaany! It's SPRINGTIME --"

And then I rounded the corner and saw that a couple of people sitting in one of the smoking gazebos were giving me a very peculiar look, so I conceded defeat and lowered my volume to a slight hum. But, really. It was so nice outside.

Edited to correct lyrics, cause I'm a cheater.


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