you know it's cheap quality when...

Mar 12, 2007 13:48're in the work bathroom, using your grandmother's old trick of blotting your lipstick with a square of toilet paper, and when you un-smack your lips... there's shreds of paper clinging to them. Eww. Eww. Also, eww. Paper taste. *scrubs at mouth*

(I actually have eaten paper in the past... once, when hungrily trying to chew the melted cheese off of a wax paper taco wrapper, and then another time when I was just really bored. But that was voluntary. Toilet paper in my mouth? Not voluntary!)

You know how guys never tend to hit on you unless you're wearing a heavy sweatshirt, no make-up, your hair in a greasy ponytail, and you haven't showered in at least a day? Well, until a moment ago (with the application of lipstick), I fit the above description to a T. As a result, I've been warily eying every male that crosses my path. I'm paranoid that someone's going to leap out and ...toss their number at me or something. I don't know. Actually, I suspect I've probably passed the "secret hotness beneath gross exterior! must approach!" look and gone straight to the "that girl obviously woke up five minutes before class" look.

Yes, I am bored at work, why do you ask? Theoretically, I could be working, but, well, that would take all the fun out of it. Work isn't about work -- it's about being easily amused and rambling about stupid stuff on livejournal. Oh! Hey! I just thought of another thing I do at work. I stole a little container of grape jelly from the cafeteria and put it in the drawer of office supplies. Now, whenever anyone opens that drawer, they say, "What's this grape jelly doing in here?" and I gleefully chortle under my breath. It's been there for weeks, and despite the frequent comments about the oddness of its presence, no one has attempted to remove it.

I think that says something really profound about life. Or about offices. Or about my sense of humor. I leave it to you to determine what exactly that profound statement is.
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