lunatics! here, have an asylum to take over.

Dec 07, 2006 13:48

Every single one of my bosses is at some conference today, so there's nobody here but a few scattered student workers. It's snowing outside and I found the stash of Christmas cookies they feed us. Mwuahaha. I basically only have time to post to LJ when I'm at work. Sigh.

Also, I needed some pictures for an article, so I went over the the photography office. The guy who took the photos didn't remember what he did with them. The following conversation ensued:

Me: So, would you have put them on the server? Or would they be on the hard drive?
Photographer: I really don't know. My brain is like a puddle of soup lately.
Me: Heh, yeah, mine too.
Photographer: No, really. I've been having seizures from lack of sleep, due to finals stress. And so with the seizures, I really just don't remember what I did with those photos.
Me: Oh... jeez. So, your brain --
Photographer: Really is a puddle of soup.

My school, y'all. We're dropping like flies.

But! Classes are OVER. And I'm actually feeling pretty good about finals -- no brain soup here. But before that, I am getting the hell out of Dodge this weekend. I need to breathe a bit and just not see any of these people for a couple days. Oh! Oh! Today is Thursday! I'll be home in time for Supernatural! Exclamation points omg!!!

[goes back to work]

life_wooork, life_school y'all

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