yuletide and things

Nov 03, 2006 12:08

Yay, yuletide!! How awesome is Yuletide this year? (see bottom of post for answer.)

Dear person who got my random requests: please ignore any details I provided that are just too specific and/or weird. I know half or more the fun of Yuletide is to write something you may not have written otherwise, and sometimes ideas pop up that don't fit with the specifics -- if my request details get in the way of that, don't feel bad at all about using your Yuletide-given right and ditching them! Secretly? I will enjoy anything you write for me. And thank you!

Dear person to whom I got assigned: You have no idea how completely ironic this request is, considering some current themes that have been winding their way into my TV viewing and literature classes lately. I laughed for about a thousand years. Don't get me wrong -- I love your request and this is going to be really, really fun. (Or possibly terrifying. Let's go with both.) Oh my god, I can't wait to start on this!

And in other news, I had a really good morning! I met with my advisor, and assuming that I actually get in the classes we discussed, it was the easiest meeting we've ever had. Next semester is looking pretty cool. As I was leaving her office, this boy with random tufty hair gave me some peanut M&Ms. I have my Supernatural DVDs and nothing to do all weekend but sit on my ass (and maybe study for about two seconds). And it's FRIDAY!! (I am using way too many exclamation points.)

Answer: Pretty damn awesome.

life_classes, fic_yuletide

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