things this morning which are awesome. (for one, I get to overuse the word "awesome")

Sep 14, 2006 12:46

- Turns out my three-hour design class is much more fun when I have a chance to get caffeine first. I grabbed coffee and a muffin, headed to class, and sat down for a lengthy group critique. WITH COFFEE. So I actually had smart stuff to say. Which was awesome.

- Speaking of my design class, my project seemed to go over fairly well. Nobody's really doing anything incredibly brilliant yet, so there's not too much pressure. My project was in two parts -- the first part was kind of eh, but for the second part we got to take one of our designs and manipulate it on the computer. Mine looked kinda like this:

Only a little bigger. (And I accidentally hit "sharpen" on only one of those squares and didn't even notice. The original was obviously not like that.)

- Also on the design class note -- we were let out after only TWO hours today. So I got to buy some mat board from the cool guy at the art dept. store, then walk around campus for a bit (with my huge piece of mat board), and go check my mail (accompanied by mat board), etc. I got some odd looks, but, hey. Giant piece of white cardboard, y'all. It' s pretty damn awesome.

And now it's not actually morning anymore. Luckily the afternoon looks to be awesome as well, despite the fact that I'll be sitting bored at work. Bored is not the worst thing that could happen. (The worst thing is actually having to work. Of course.)

I'm still working on photo requests -- next up will probably be random pictures of my school. Am trying to decide whether or not to post under friends lock, seeing as, y'know, on the one hand -- stalkers. And on the other hand, there are much easier ways to stalk me than through my school. We'll see!

life_classes, life_school y'all

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