oh, Invisible Man

Aug 01, 2006 10:13

So I am watching this show at a SNAIL'S PACE, and have only now reached the Money for Nothing two-parter. And, umm. I was WARNED for Flowers for Hobbes. Repeatedly. And I watched it and squeed and it was very shiny. But, dude. The second half of this did for me what Flowers for Hobbes didn't.

The first half didn't really grab me. It was nice enough, and Bobbyhobbes's hot tub apparel made me smile. But umm, OH NO DARIEN'S EYES ARE SILVER seemed to be the only cliffhangery note, and big whoop, I've already seen that in vids. I see that and go, oh, that was SUCH a good vid! but beyond that, no emotional grabbage.

But part two.

There were many things that were slightly dumb about this episode, but we'll move on from those. Because. Fuck. Bobby Hobbes just totally ignores the Agency, and Arnaud's dastardly plots, and the fact that Darien is going around beating the shit out of little old ladies (or okay, mimes and smug bicyclists, but I'm sure the little old ladies were next), and instead... he does whatever he can to get his partner back. No flinching away from making deals with the enemy, even when it's Arnaud. Even when it's Darien. He just tells him to get in the van. SO. MUCH. LOVE. Like, unquantifiable love. And I can see where Flowers for Hobbes comes into this, because that's the first real glimpse of that part of their partnership where they just say "screw the rest of the world, fuck the consequences, I'll do anything for you." But I guess... I react differently to it when it's Bobby's turn.

Some brief observations, in completely random order:

- Dude, this show totally knows how to work in those phobias that everyone has but that no one will admit to. I will never be able to get into a revolving door EVER AGAIN.
- Darien's little snarkfest about Arnaud's accent. Ha.
- Speaking of evil Darien... how fucking creepy was the scene with him and the doctor in her apartment? That was way not cool. But I love that they went that far with it. I do sorta wish that it had been mentioned again at the end of the episode when Darien's thinking back on his actions, because you know, threatened/attempted rape is kind of a big deal.
- Evil skipping! Dear lord.
- I just... you know, I feel bad for the mime. There were many things about these scenes that were horrifying. But C'MON. A mime gets beaten up by an actual invisible opponent? That's just hilarious.
- Arnaud was all glowy! And then when they fixed him, he got all permanently invisibled! I wish they'll come back with him all wrapped in bandages and wearing sunglasses, a la the classic. The big fucking Grim Reaper robe is not any less noticable.

But okay. Probably the crowning moment for me was after the antidote kicks in, and Darien starts to come back to himself. And how Hobbes is just so protective and so fierce, and after he loses Arnaud, he comes back in and Darien just looks at him and says, "I'm sorry," in the smallest little voice. I nearly started crying. DARIEN. And Hobbes is sorry too. And don't worry, the mime didn't recover. (Just kidding.) I just need to watch the last five minutes of that episode over and over and over.

(Minus the Grim Reaper!Arnaud bit, of course. And that poor doctor is being victimized by all the invisible men in town. Jeez.)

I love this episode more than is wise.

tv_invisible man, fannishness

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