home is where...

May 18, 2006 22:15

...I currently happen to be. Woot! It is SUMMER. Finals are over. I think I did fairly well overall... I got an A on my final project (a self-portrait) for drawing class, along with a very long note from my art teacher that made me smile for like, an hour. And I totally didn't flunk math!

I'm now about to give myself a haircut and possibly go blonde. I also need to start thinking about packing for visiting f1renze and folks. If there were only a new Doctor Who tonight, my life would be complete.

Hey, flist: tell me about your life lately! Are you about due for a haircut as well? What new fandoms have you gotten into? What shiny fics have you read recently? Which vids are currently rocking your world? What are you having for dinner? (or for those of you who eat at sane times: what did you HAVE for dinner?) Satisfy my crazy summer-fueled curiosity! ¿Por qué él tiene un plátano?

caffeinated, life_classes

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