(written last night while in the throes of college-based aggression)

Apr 19, 2006 08:32

I got about two hours of sleep last night, and have only been able to make up three hours through naps this afternoon. And my school's network is down and I am internet and email impaired, and unable to catch up on my math homework (because the problems I need to do are on the class's website) and unable to email my advisor (whose time slots for advising were completely filled before I ever got a chance to go by and sign up).

If being cut off from the internet weren't enough, my cellphone suddenly lost all battery power and went on roaming, then lost service altogether. All right, I thought, I'll just use the room phone... but no. The phone let me type in three numbers before beeping incessantly in my ear and refusing to call anyone, much less my mommy. (Because by this point in my day, omg I want my mommy.)

I feel like my lines to the outside world are being cut, one by one. I told my roommate that if the radio suddenly gives a squawk and goes dead, I am running, because any second someone will come by offering Kool-Aid.

As a final capper to this no-good, very bad day, I got 83% on an exam that I was convinced I would get somewhere in the region of 90% on. Yeah, big deal, whatever, and I'm sure I'm veering into whiny bitch territory by now, but I am just a LITTLE bitter because this was the same teacher I stayed up all night writing an essay for, and for whom I'm supposed to do a twenty-minute presentation on Thursday, and I feel like she is eating my life. EATING. MY. LIFE. She is an insane crazy person, like three-fourths of my teachers right now, and I am getting so sick of trying to manage these creatures. Why can't I just worry about the subject and the homework instead of the teacher's twisted perception of it? Earlier today, I actually found myself wondering in all seriousness if I could just skip my classes for the next four weeks until finals, but then realized that I would inevitably end up with too many absences. And then I took a nap, because whoa, tired.

Oh, wait, not quite done -- I also got assigned to cover a sustainability conference at my school this coming weekend. Despite the fact that I have not spent a weekend here in the past three months, and had already noted on the out of office log that I wasn't going to be HERE this weekend, because instead of my usual omg must escape-ness, I actually have plans! I...have just switched tenses way too much in this paragraph. Anyway, they can't make me do it, but it pisses me off having to say no.

Okay. But in less whiney news, I just watched the pilot episode of The Dead Zone; all I have to say is wow, this show really is the good crack. And maybe my entire day has just been the universe's way of telling me to get off my ass and read naominovik's book, because yay: dragons! *goes to chill with His Majesty's Dragon for a few minutes before passing out from exhaustion*

So ready for summer.

life_wooork, life_classes, life_oh life, life_school y'all

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