I've watched the first three episodes of Carnivale.
And at last, someone mashes up the demented spirit of Ray Bradbury with the theme of Good vs. Evil, tosses in a good dose of crazy carnival freaks, and makes me so very, very happy. I love this show. (Are there any other vids for this show beside
tzikeh's, or is that the only one? It seems like a very viddable show.)
Things I love:
- The opening credits! The old movie reels winding in with tarot cards and wheeee, pretty. Ahem.
- The shared dream sequences between Hawkins and Brother Justin, especially the one in the diner. Every prophet in his house.
- The shot where the little girl runs, stumbling, toward her house, as the field withers and dies around her.
- Samson! I love him.
- The phantom baggage trailer.
- Hawkins being fiercely protective of his past. (Especially because it's looking more and more like the reason he doesn't want to talk about it is because he hardly knows it.)
- John Savage. Heee. He's so typecast. "We need a sullen, mysterious character over here, stat!" "Okay, let's call John Savage - only this time let's have him wear a top hat!")
- The setting. The Depression - how cheery! But how gorgeously desolate.
- "The Management."
- The guy with the leg brace - Jones? Jonesy? He's cool.
Things I don't love quite as much:
- The slight predictability of some plot twists. Not that I don't love the twists themselves - I just keep seeing them coming.
- The way that no matter how hard I try, that seer guy is never going to be anyone but Sydney from The Pretender in my mind.
- I thought there was something else. Hmm. Let me think about it some more.
- Look, Ray. Turtles!
I also finally used my Best Buy gift card
that I got from my cousin last year. It went toward the first seasons of Northern Exposure and The Dead Zone. For the first, I blame childhood nostalgia; for the second, I blame good fic. But now I'm wondering how I ever expect to keep up with these fandoms. I already forgot to watch the season premiere of The L Word the other day. Doom! DOOM!
Oh - does anyone know when season two of Slings & Arrows is starting on Sundance? Soon-ish? (I got uber-mildly spoiled for it by an icon post the other day, and I freaked out over being spoiled for the first time in my life. Usually I'm like "oh, well, okay." But not this time - there was flailing and screaming and whimpering sounds! And it was hardly a spoiler at all! I am weird about my show.)