new years, yuletide, friending, whine: things of an update sort

Jan 03, 2006 01:47

This year, I resolve to:
* Reply to emails and comments within three (3) days of their posting. Stop procrastinating and making people think you hate them.

* Finish three (3) epic (epic) due South fics and set them loose on the world. (Possible plot candidates: girl!Fraser, groundhog day!Fraser, slam poet!Fraser, Brian Kinney!Fraser.)

* Complete my Insane Vidding Project before the month of March, by hook or by crook.

* Complete my next four (4) mental vid ideas, or anything else shiny that comes along.

* Actually put my poetry in a chapbook like I've been threatening to for years.

* Be a real vegetarian for a change, not just a vegetarian who eats meat.

* Read at least one (1) book a month, including the following: Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling, Mountie Makers: Putting the Canadian in RCMP by Gordon Teather, the second half of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, Gun With Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem, and Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.

* Do things of a healthy nature, like walk and do yoga and eat right - with the possible exception of smoking one (1) clove cigarette a month as seems appropriate.

Now that that's over with; I am back at mountie school. (My college, as it is more commonly known.) My class starts tomorrow, and I should be asleep. It's too hot to think, because my dorm's heat comes in only two settings: "haha hope you have blankets" and "hello, heatstroke." In other news, I finally got better from my heinous cold from hell - and after five full days of feeling well, I am coming down with another cold. I think I recently pissed off something large and karmic. Ow.

I've just gone on a crazy friending spree and added a bunch of new people. I have it under good authority that you're all very cool; no need to friend back, as I just wish to fill my friends list with fun thoughts. Of course, you're perfectly welcome to friend me back if you wish. I warn you, it's pretty much always like this... except when there's fic, vids, or ramen noodle mishaps.

Speaking of fic: the yuletide fic I wrote was:
Some People Ride the Wave
Dead Like Me, gen. Written for Shoshanna Gold.
The moment and the moments before, or: "George doesn't actually like yoga."

It was a lot of fun to write. I miss George.

Okay, toddling off to bed for real now, as all grammar and puncuation skills have left me. Earlier it took me twenty minutes to remember Audrey Hepburn's name. Hope everyone had good holidays and a lovely new year so far!

fic, tv_dead like me

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