if i was to say to you - girl we couldn't get much higher (...speed wireless)

Nov 17, 2005 18:06

Okay, so I realized that they weren't lying when they said they had free high speed wireless internet, but I guess I just didn't think about it. But. Umm. You have to see how it is. My local pizza/italian food hangout offers net access and really good ravioli. I may never leave this place. Seriously. We are talking "closing time" equals lever, forklift, and police intervention.

I am sitting here reading livejournal, writing fic, drinking bad coffee and eating cold garlic bread and I am free of pesky Mountie school firewalls, and god. I am the most gigantic dweeb ever. Also, currently in love with commas and run on sentences. Sorry about that. I am not made for coherency at this stage. Do you know how long it's been since I've had an actual cup of coffee? I've had some tea and Mountain Dew, but - four days! FOUR DAYS.

In other news - I hate my job, but my job apparently loves me. I am feeling flattered and stifled all at once. I can't wait until Christmas break when I can go back to work at the store with my big brothers. (They're not my actual brothers. They're just big and brother-like.)

Dear peoples: the Kentucky's website says Mirrormask is coming December 16th. Right around the tail-end of finals, I think? But - squee!

Also: *hugs* to my mother whenever she happens to read this. My phone went on roaming! Love you. See you tomorrow.

ETA: I was totally going to type this before I posted, but I forgot! Happy birthday valereix! Hope you're having a brilliant time.

life_wooork, caffeinated, misc_geekery, misc_wandering time and space

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