the RCMP is not the life for me.

Oct 02, 2005 15:50

I think I'm addicted to those peanut butter M&Ms. And I've realized that I think of all M&Ms as inherently feminine, regardless of the propaganda perpetuated by the mass media. Those commercials with the red and yellow M&Ms are just trying to capitalize off the character traits of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. Secretly? Every M&M is like the sexy green one - with long eyelashes and high-heeled shoes and a take-charge feminist attitude (slightly-offensive spoof or no).

For every word in the above paragraph that is over two syllables long, another yet-to-be-written thought in my yet-to-be-completed essay turned from "using perception of motion" to "doing that wavey thing". Speaking of which, why aren't I writing my essay?

My parents (who read my lj now - hi!) are driving up later and taking me to Mexican food, and then to Walmart. Yay! (I need Kleenex and I'm almost out of ramen. I'm in a sorry state.) Being at a college where freshmen aren't allowed to have cars is kind of nice, because then it doesn't really matter that I don't know how to drive and don't own a car; I can complain just as well with the rest of them.

I've watched the first two episodes of Deadwood, and it really is one of the best shows on television. It speaks to the parts of my childhood where I read all about Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill, the Oregon Trail, and all those other cool Western kinds of things... and then it beats my childhood Wild West dreams over the head with a sharp stick. A sharp stick covered in horse poo. So it's half-traumatizing, and the other half is just okay, yes, this - yes.

(That was my attempt to make this post fandom-y. Also, I saw Serenity, and it was great.)

misc_foodlove, tv_deadwood, life_classes, life_parentlove

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