Wishing all creatures great and small, a peaceful, joyous, serene, cozy, and memorable
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day....
Happy Hanukkah too....
*~ A Special *Merry Christmas* To Our Troops ~*
....God Speed....
For those who have so kindly asked about Aurey and have sent good wishes to her, I thank you from the bottom of my heart....That saying that you never think something will happen to you until it does, is painfully true....But also true, is that saying "What does not kill us, makes us stronger"....You really see things so clearly at such times....How precious and fragile life is....Whom is truly the type of friend who will be there for you when you need them the most....and I've learned how to accept help graciously (this is something that has been so hard for me to do in the past....I've always been brought up to not to depend on others for help....to be independent.....But now I know there are times you simply must accept help for the lifesaver it is......And oh am I ever so grateful to those rare special people who have such big open hearts....Thank you....and Merry Chritstmas Dear Hearts.....I will be thinking of you tonight...and always....with love......
Remember to listen for the taps of Reindeer on the roof tonight... :)