Jun 09, 2006 13:34
So...where HAVE I been? Not updating this journal, that's for damn sure. I've been working on school. Bleh. I hate it.
In dolly news, Reid got a new outfit yesterday, made by the lovely Pookie. Well, mainly. Parts of the outfit are from volks. Either way, it's so cute! It's a schoolgirl uniform, which I know are terribly cliche... but I love the look of them. The skirt is omgsoshort, though. If she bends over at all, her panties hang out. D: My girl is a slut. *cry* It's not really a big deal though, just kind of amusing. I'll take pictures of the outfit, soon.
Reid also got a new faceup. It...um...huh. I'm not very good at faceups, yet. It took two tries to get it to look semi-decent, and already I'm thinking of removing it and trying again. The first time, everything was going nicely, then I gave her slut eyeshadow. I have no idea how it happened. It looked fine until I put her eyes in! D8 The second attempt went better, but I made her lower eyelashes too dark...so she kind of like she hasn't slept in days. Or like she's a goth. ...who hasn't slept in days. Her lips turned out alright though. Really bright red, though, which I think is a little too intense for her face. I really need to work on using subtler colours... I tend to mix my paint based on how the first coat looks, not realizing how intense it'll be once I build up the layers. >_<
I'm seriously considering maybe saving up for a Supiadoll Yan. She's so cute. Such a happy smile! Very different from Reid's melancholy look...so I thought they might make a nice pair.