Apr 14, 2004 21:10
hey pplZ ! well tOday is wednesday, and quess qut? i didnt gO tO nite skOol again... but this time i stayed hOme cause i gOt this really bad crampZ and i think i almOst overdOzed frOm midOl in skOol. i tOok 7 midOls between 1o:3o and 1:3o in the afternOon. when i gOt hOme, was when i started tO feel weak. nOt weak as in feelin` bad but brO i was shakin and i felt like a dumbass... lOl ! it was kinda funny even thOugh my musketeerZ were freakin out ! well aldiz tOld me tO just take a nap and tO please eat sOmethin because i hadnt eaten nuttin since 7 in the mOrnin`. sO i did and when i wOke up i felt much better. alda gOt her periOd tOo ! tOo bad that we get our periOds the same days always ! ( arent we ment tO be best friends? lOl ). well wut else umm yeah suppOsly alexa and jenny de la nuez were lOokin fOr vale during lunch tO bitch her out or sOme bullshyt but tOo bad we were in the GSA meeting ! omq ! i almOst fOrgOt during 4th periOd my english teacher, which is the coOlest teacher in the skOol (she's like 30 ), did the mOst fuked up shyt tO this girl ( during lunch ) which was parked in her space in the teachers parkin lOt and my teacher gOt realli pist and parked rite infrOnt of her sO she cOuldnt mOve at all. tO bad the pOor gurl started cryin and everythin sO my teacher tOok us on a field trip to scene ( lOl ) and then tO the office tO talk tO mr. mOore sO yeah it was pretty funny, sO we practically didnt gO tO class fOr the second half ! ummmm then in 6th adrian, oscar, willy, carlOs and me, started talkin bOut fine ppl in skOol ( guys and girls ) and ofcOurse we came intO teh cOnclusiOn ( me ) that nOslen ( had tO be my ex lOl KINDA ) is the finest guy and cristy sean's gurl or ex is the prettiest ! sO yeah it was pretty exitin` ! well i think thats enOugh fOr one entry dOnt yOu think? sO imma let u guys gO, cause i met this new friend online ( LiveJOurnal ) which thinks im gOrgeous his name is ciscO... sO yeah i think im gOnna talk tO him ... lOl ! luv yah lOtZ !