
Nov 14, 2004 08:43

eh ive been soo busy lately recording our first CD not DEMO. ITs gonna be on sale for $10. Anyways there are 9 tracks in there and two 6 minute songs. Its gonna be the shiznit. Anyways nothing has been going on except Jordan asked me out on saturday. I didnt say yes, i just said that i had to think about it. I dont know if im ready to date again considering that i already love some1 else who lives all the way in NC. Its just too hard to date some1 else and love some1 else at the same time. grr i hate it when this happens. Yesterday, John came over with Laura, Tory and Jim and they just drank their asses off. Haha it was funny watching them considering i was the only one sober. Yea Bicardi 151 can get pretty bad. Ive been thinking of turning sXe because i DONT smoke, i dont do drugs (or at least not anymore) and im gonna try not to drink. This is gonna be hard but hey a new goal in my boring life. I guess i dont have anything to else to say...
toodles for now.
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