Oct 01, 2006 21:58
Weekends are supposed to be relaxing, a time to de-stress and prepare mentally for the week ahead. This weekend, however, was pure hell.
Wake up, check email, have breakfast, come back to log on and see who's online and... my internet is dead. Turns out the the UPS (Uninterupterable power source, not the postal service) has died. So everything in my dad's study had died, hence the no internet. So we change the wire on that and all is gravy... for about 15 minutes.
Guess what happens?
The ethanet switch cathches fire!!!!!!! Yes that's right. It caught fire. So then Mum, Ned and I went out for an evil evil shopping trip that took hours, during which I bought a new ethanet hub and a dress to wear to the party next weekend.
So the internet should hopefully be sorted now. Thank god.
And then today, work was jsut not fun. People suck.
I'm just tired and cranky. Ugh.
So now I am trying to soothe myself making icons, but I don't think it's working.
Hope y'all are ok.
Quick question. £44 too much to pay for a bag and a purse including postage from the US? Do I buy or not buy?