Feb 28, 2005 20:25
okay...soOo i reaLLy don't like seLf cEnTerEd pPL!!! not everything is about you...soOo dont think i cry and cut myeself because of you!! its not!!! you dont kno anything about me or anything that happened to me..soOo dont be assuming its all about you. im not obsessive...its not like i freakin talk about you every freakin second of mye life...i dont follow you around...i dont want to like you...i just happen to, which i dont understand either...eventuaLLy iLL get over you...its just not today. im not a freak or wut you call "UNNORMAL"...telling ppl that im obsessed with you is just really stoopid...cuz im not!
...im not trying to be rude, its just the truth...
i really did not want to make a big deal about anything, cuz it's really not my thing...but i just want you to know the truth frm me and not anyone else.