Oct 09, 2011 17:07
Is to make up good excuses why you are perfectly FINE to procrastinate. For example: This paper is going to be so SIMPLE to write. I will just write it between classes tomorrow, type it up when I get home and turn it in. boom it will be done.
In reallity I should have just written this simple paper already. But I didn't . But at least I have 1/4 pages done. I just have no motivation to write papers. They are boring and lame. Too bad I am going to be in school for a while. I should be done with my Bachelors in Dec of 2012 and then my Masters in Spring 2016. Holy. Crap. So yeah.... I will always have papers to write but it doesn't mean I have to like it. This was my choice.
In other news, all I have wanted to do this week is listen to any version of the song "Somewhere" from West Side Story that I could find.
Also, don't buy Wal Mart gift cards. Apparently they demagnetize the second you put them in your wallet even if they are brand new. Then when you buy gas with it it doesn't work. Then you have to go inside walmart to have the money transferred to another crappy card because they won't jsut give your your frigging money back and they try to blame you for not working when IT IS A BRAND NEW CARD PURCHASED NOT BUT 10 MINUTES EARLIER!! And the customer service managers are girls you went to high school with and you always disliked them and you dislike them even more for being so stupid and bad at their jobs, but then you want to laugh and say congrats on your career at wal mart. And you may be in school for the rest of what feels like forever but after which you will have a friggin sweet career.
True story. Bleh. Just.... bleh on everything.
Okay, do I work on my easy-pie paper or watch The Last of the Mohicans on Netflix?
Compromise it is. I will write a detailed outline for my paper (and can always work on it more later) and then watch The Last of the Mohicans. I haven't seen that movie in forever and for some reason I really want to watch it again. Then tomorrow I will use awesome outline to work on paper between classes since I will need something to do anyway because I have so much time between classes. That's the plan. Clearly I am a genius.
Somewhere just came on. Hold my hand and we're halfway there, hold my hand and I'll take you there.............Somehow!! Some way!!!Somewhere!!!!! Gah!