Karasuba and You: A Lesson in Threading with Alien Psychopaths

Apr 28, 2009 02:26

Now, skipping a whole essay on how Karasuba interacts with others, Karasuba is a girl who enjoys just running a guy or gal through every now and then. Whenever she comes across a strong opponent, she just has a tendency to get excited and needs to get her frustrations out through killing some person or another.

However, she isn't a threat at all times! Karasuba actually behaves normally for the most part and has her own rules of engagement that she keeps to. Generally, she will not fight regular humans, anyone who runs from a fight with her, or declines her invitation for a fight. The last two are pretty solid and will not be trespassed upon, so while it may not seem like an option in play. . . It is. The first one is a bit more tricky, though. She doesn't care to fight normals, but she will kill them if they are being troublesome or what have you without extending an invitation to fight to them. She only invites those who are non-human or superhuman to fights and will accept their refusal. It sounds tricky, but it's all rather clean-cut in the act as long as the other side is being courteous too. ♥

In short: If you pester the crazy lady, then Karasuba will be obliged to comply with your death wish, whatever you are. I consider everyone as a default opt-out for ever fighting and/or being killed by Karasuba, but if you would like to opt-in for some sexy, fun fighting times, then leave a comment here!
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