Jan 21, 2006 14:28
i think this is one of the few times where i have a semblence of a weekend... and i didn't ask it off!!
yes, i had to wake up at 4:00am to be at work at 5:00am.. but i was off before 10am and just slept until noon. so i'm feeling very VERY good.
I GET TO SEE KEVIN TODAY! yes i'm feraking excited. i even put on makeup for the occassion (*LOL* you know it's a big deal)
i have loads of things to get done today so i'm very happy that i have today and tomorrow off.. lately it's felt like i don't even have time to think over the weekend, then it's over and i'm back at school!
note to self: must start working on proposal for 474
i just burnt a totally rad CD and i can't wait to jump in my car and listen to it =) i could listen to it on my laptop, but i think driving and rocking out is way more fun!