Sep 26, 2005 17:43
So, I havent updated in a while, so Im guessing I should probably, just to let ya'll know im no dead...
im not dead...
yup i done...
lol, NO, JUST KIDDING! DONT STOP READING YET! lol, ok, good. Well, coral reef.... is crap... i still hate it. i have the feeling i might end up in fergy b4 the school year ends. coral reef is such crap! o well, ill deal with it for now, my mom said i could switch if i still hate it by december. so, im giving it its chance. in december, IM OUT. stupid effin school...
anyways, in other news, i hope everyone i know i texas is ok and in new orleans... wow, new orleans is so bad right now... two huricanes in one season? that is BAD for a place like new orleans...
im done giving u worthless stuff to read, i never use this thing anymore, i just realized that. hum...
add me if u have a myspace, that works WAY better!