thanks josh

Apr 23, 2005 23:42

If anyone around here remember's when PayPal launched, they were creditting $5 to everyone who signed up at launch as an incentive for people to join up. Well, a new company is coming about that wants to compete with PayPal. So, they're offering $25 for signing up. $25. That's mad cash, yo.

It gets better. Refer someone and you'll recieve $5 per referal. $5.

Normally I'm not all up on this referal shit, but this looks pretty damn official. Yahoo Finance!, Market Watch, and Business Wire all have official press releases from the site about this. To sign up, all you need to supply them with is your full name, email address, and address. No bank account info or credit card numbers. So, risk free.

So, do it to it:

Oh, and yeah, I realize this is shameless advertising. I like money, and I figure this is a chance for others to get money too. So, yell all you want, but if you get $25 then I hope you remember who hooked it up.
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