Well, I've had one meal today, I worked for three hours before I got it, and it was breakfast in place of lunch because Les is too paranoid fucking delusional to drive me through Mackers before we drove back to the Hell in the Middle of Fucking Nowhere (tm).
So, I've been moving like a lunatic all day. Reorganising my room, putting shit away and throwing out most of my childhood mementos. So I'm a little bit cranky. Or that could be because I'm seriously PMSing and I forgot to grab my pills and my dirty laundry from my sister's house.
It's days like today I wish I could just -kill- the next fucker who pissed me off.
ANYway, all that aside, I've opened a new RPG, if anyone's interested?
So onto the Becca-beast. I was watching some AC... for the fourth time... trying to figure out how I was going to do this story, and vehemtly cursing your name for not loving Sephy as much as I do or Sephy/Cloud as much as me... but ANYway. I got some ideas... and will continue my plan of not implimenting them. Well... eventually the ideas will become too much for me to handle and I'll burst at the seams and write it.
Yep... any second now...