Aug 02, 2007 17:07
the house is up for sale now, so far no takers. i'm nervous as hell about it, i have a feeling we'll lose money on it when all is said and done. if we can at least make back what we still owe on the mortgage that will make me happy.. and that shouldn't be impossible. the housing market is total shit right now. from what i've read it's not a great idea to be buying or selling really - although I guess if you have to sell then now is the time. home prices will probably continue to deflate for the next year or so before they get back to where the true values are. buyers would be smart to wait until prices start to bottom out - and after all the semi-predatory ARM's from 2005 reset in the next few months there are going to be foreclosures like crazy. that's going to force prices down even more and produce some pretty sweet deals for anyone who has good enough credit to qualify for a mortgage anymore, given the new conservatism that the big lenders are adopting. now is the time to get our house sold and off the market before the competition really starts to ramp up - not that it isn't cut-throat already.
it's a somewhat losing venture selling our house right now - but if it works out and we can actually move it we'll be in a good position. rents are still way cheaper than home prices in most areas right now (especially in chapel hill - the disconnect is astounding) and we'll be better off renting a house than buying one for at least the next year since a)we don't want to get locked into a neighborhood that we might not end up liking, b)home prices will likely continue to drop or at least stagnate until next year anyway, and c)if we end up not liking Chapel Hill or Rob finds a better job or something we can just pick up and move.
blah enough of that. i took Mila with me to the gym today since they have pretty good (free) childcare. i was hoping to get 30 minutes in on the elliptical machine but around minute 28 they called me to the daycare over the loudspeaker. she was inconsolable and the other kids were getting bothered by the screaming.. not so bad for a first effort though. she'll get more used to it if i keep going, and i really need the exercise right now. i haven't been able to make it to a frisbee game or to yoga for like 3 weeks which sucks. the last game of the season (i assume we didn't make it into the playoffs) is on monday and i don't know if i'll even be able to go to that.
things in general are good though. my dad put in air conditioning in my house so i've been holed up in the cave with all the drapes shut to keep it cool. i'll be driving to milwaukee tomorrow to pick up rob from the airport. should be a bit of an adventure - mila hates riding in the car and she'll be coming along for the ride.