A Little Piece of the Crazy Sweet Keeks

Sep 23, 2005 16:50

LJ Interests meme results

  1. church:
    I love my church deeply, even though the number of people that are leaving is skyrocketing. There has also been a lot of drama/scandal in the past two years, so it has contributed to some of my cynicism lately.
  2. eating:
    Eating is the best in the world, especially when it's yummy food. I savor every crumb, every piece of morsel that comes across my tastebuds.
  3. god:
  4. im:
    IM is okay...havent been on lately because I'm just not feelin' it that much anymore.
  5. men:
    Men serve their purposes. They drive us wild, at the same time being insanely sexy. FYI, they also have their periods, too!
  6. music:
    I love all kinds of music. I dont discriminate. I love beats and rhythms that move me to the point of wanting to write about it or shake my booty. I have found music in all genres that fit that category.
  7. reading:
    I absolutely love to read...I especially love to have a nice cup of Starbucks coffee in a Barnes & Noble and read to my heart's content.
  8. rollerblading:
    I taught myself how to rollerblade when I was about 10. It's enjoyable, and it kills tons of calories. However, steep, downward hills are not my friend with the rollerblades on because I pick up speed and I cant stop with my brakes.
  9. singing:
    I love to sing. One of my friends once told me that I have a "candy voice." Many people that know me probably think that I have a horrible voice because I'm always singing out of tune for the heck of it on purpose. If you really ask me to sing, I can, and high notes are my specialty.
  10. skydiving.:
    I SKYDIVED TWO YEARS AGO and I LOVED IT! Talk about ultimate high!!!!! I'm going to do it again next year, and I cant wait. It's unlike anything I have ever done.

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