Nov 04, 2004 20:31
Well, I aint gonna kill u guys with more election woes, but I will tell u all this: I am one of the few New Yorkers who voted for Bush. But as I thought about it, and every time I see Bush on the news, I get upset. This leads me to a sad conclusion: I felt pressured into voting for him. I was all for Kerry up until a couple of days ago. Most of my church was going for Bush because of two reasons: opposition towards abortion and gay marriage. I have remained ignorant these past four years regarding Bush's policies, but I have always disliked him. And the fact that the Towers came crashing done in my city of New York didnt help at all.
But a guy from my church, Scott, adamantly talked to me about why I opposed Bush so much, and I basically told him about the troops in Iraq, tax cuts favoring the rich, amount of damn jobs lost over the past couple of years....and what's the deal with Bush not wanting to raise minimun wage? But anyway, Scott told me all this stuff about how much Kerry opposed banning abortion and gay marriage. After two hours of speaking with him, I admit, his info stuck with me. For the next day or so, more of my church found out how much I opposed Bush (thanks to Scott's big-mouthed wife,Zoraida)and they all lectured to me about how Bush was a better choice. And guess what, I bought it: I voted for Bush, and now, I regret it. Every time I see him on tv, I get so angry I have to turn the channel. Every president is full of promises, and nothing never happens. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Well, as far as my church goes, next election time, I aint telling any of them how I am voting so they can keep their noses out of my business. Ironically, even though I really wanted to vote for Kerry, and even if I had, Bush would have still won. I vow now to never ever let anyone influence me that way again, regardless of what the results will be.
Anyway, my mom found out a couple of days ago that she has the onset causes of diabetes, so she is on a strict diet. Didnt really come as a surprise for us because her dad died from it a couple of years back. We thought it would have skipped generations, but I guess it didnt. She doesnt have diabetes officially, but if she were to continue eating the way she did in the past, she would get it, so her doctor is trying to prevent it. My mom is a little pooped about the whole strict diet, but she'll live. She's afraid for her children, so she's warning all of us to stay away from the sugar.
I start work on Monday. I have to attend two training sessions this coming Saturday and Sunday first though...and guess what the times are for both days: 8:30am-5:30pm....I'm gonna die! Why do they have to be so long and start so damn early????????? Who knows, but it's mandatory if I want the tutoring job. So be it. That means for me that I will be high on coffee for those two days. So be it.