Oct 26, 2003 17:09
wow. what a score. i came to school with the intention of doing nothing more than sitting in the library attempting to learn a half semester's worth of research methods course material (gosh darn boring), and happened upon the best book sale that the 3rd floor unicenter could ever host.
here's the list of books.. bear with me:
huxley - antic hay
orwell - animal farm
ayn rand - anthem
dostoyevsky - 3 short novels
erasmus - the praise of folly
various (incl. hume, russel, kant, jj rousseau, marx, nietzsche, freud, wittgenstein) - essays in philosophy
bertrand russell - mysticism and logic
various - a casebook on existentialism
the people's almanac big book of lists #2
richard lederer - the play of words: fun & games for language lovers
if you, the reader, are not as ecstatic as i am.. well then too bad for you. oh ya.. here's the real kicker: THE BOOKS COST TEN DOLLARS IN TOTAL!
the events of last night.. wow, spontaneous good times. i had no intention of hitting up the party on plymouth, but after hearing that jeff was hosting it, how could i pass it up? it turned out to be a great time. got to party with jenn to the maxx, among others, as well as take a pointless, yet fun cab ride. i left the party right after having listened to the entire nevermind album.. i'd say that's going out on a good note. the corollary of course came when i woke up and realized that i'm never hung over after one bottle of wine, but after two, that's a completely different story. live and learn.