Opinions of essbeejay - Full Query

Jan 16, 2010 00:10

My unabridged response to essbeejays fandom meme.

(1). Which TV shows do you believe have the best music associated with them? There are a number of cartoons and movies whose theme tunes I like, but relatively few live action shows. Of all of them, I personally would have to say that I find the various booming hyper-dramatic musical themes that they lace through each episode of Doctor Who to be amongst the best.

(2). What/Who do you suppose HIM is?  One can infer a certain amount about His nature and the fundamentals of his character based upon how He is presented in the show (to some extent, seeing as PPG wasn’t particularly worried about realism or even true consistency given their target demographic). HIM seems to be an amorphous eldritch being with a penchant for creating strife and anarchy. He is very powerful yet His offensive and destructive ability is surprisingly limited when it comes to head on physical combat. Instead, He generally adopts a more obtuse approach using magic and trickery, manipulating minds and emotions - the metaphysical made real, thought and abstract concept granted physical power - in such a way that His foes play a part in their own undoing (or at least He is not directly involved in it). When pulling these stunts He generally won’t reveal Himself until He thinks it is safe to gloat at His victims’ misfortune. His personality is that of bizarre, singularly unpleasant, semi-bipolar metrosexual eccentric. His voice and attire further enforce this image.

The generalities of who He is are fairly clear (despite His lack of a proper name or even title). The “what” part is another matter entirely. Here are a few possibilities based upon what is known:

(i). He is a monster born of the same mysterious source that spawns all the other monsters that attack Townsville. Only, He is unique in that He feeds on the strife and dark passions that human beings generate and feel. Hence He thrives in apocalyptic and anarchic scenarios and actively seeks to create them influencing humanity and manipulating circumstance to achieve His own ends.  But because they are His bread and butter so to speak, He conversely is influenced by humanity and as such His physical form is a warped and twisted parody of man. He is a vile, vain and ignoble Momus in both word and deed. This also explains why he interacts with people “casually” more often than would be considered normal for such an abomination.

(ii). Same as above basically only He is a demon or spiritual entity that has gained some degree of physical form within this world (this is a double edged sword obviously but is largely advantageous). He might have been stewing away in the background for longer than human kind existed, amassing power, waiting for the right time and place where He could make Himself corporeal. Unfortunately for HIM that place was Townsville around the time the PPG were born.

(iii). Mind you if he were demon, spirit, extra-dimensional being, etc He might not necessarily have got his first gig on earth so to speak. Other races on other planets, hell, even in other universes might have known HIM for what He is - a plague, a parasite, a parody, a deity - perhaps more. His claws might be a remnant from the last race He encountered and the last form He adopted as His market dictated. Whether He succeeded in His dark designs for these peoples would probably be unimportant compared to HIM finding a new host race once the one He was exploiting came to an end - by His claw or otherwise. (Probably otherwise considering HIM would undoubtedly drag it out as much as possible and then some.) After all everything has a purpose and every sentient being needs a purpose. Then it would be a matter of finding that new niche to fill. Reaching out across the void and the darkness…searching for that vibrant, screaming, squirming, snapping, crackling, howling, tenacious presence of life. And, if lucky, with that life, sentience and the miasmic corona of thoughts, feelings and emotions resulting from it. The most primal and basic feelings of fear, want and frustration through to the most fantastical of love, friendship, hope and the ideals pertaining to good and evil. All of them at their bright burning best, be they good or bad, and none of them present save through existence and struggle and desire and strife. Hope always the first and last and most fantastical amongst the higher emotions flickering in the endless night. Love in so many different shades ranging from gentle more - than - affection to burning obsession, to idealized delusion. Friendship, resonating in all its varying strengths, like the plucked strings of a harp. And so much fear and anger. All of this drawing HIM in like a moth to the flame, for better or worse, to be the worst.

(iv). He’s some freak in a costume and He would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those darn kids.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on the matter?
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