Well, I've been ridiculously productive this year (yeah, I know... it's only 5 days in...) and been cleaning and baking and doing creative things and I am so pumped to face whatever this year will bring!
Also, my room is the cleanest it's been in years... possibly ever. Out of any bedrooms I've ever lived in.
And so, now that my room is all pimped out and is pretty much my dream room, I'm going to inflict photos on you all. Because I'm terribly materialistic.
Also I dyed my hair so there are some pictures of that too yay!
The entertainment/living room part of my space.
Bookshelf! Complete with blacklight on top that my old roomie left behind. It's really powerful, it lights up my whole room when I turn it on. I'm a little tempted to put some electronica on and turn my room into a mini-rave.
DVD and bartending stuff shelf!
Autographed AFI drum head. It's sexy. It rests above my television so I can sit on the couch and stare at it in awe.
Shelf over top of my couch, complete with Darth Vader Transformer.
Rise Against setlist from the show this summer, mini mirror from Kendall, and Jack Sparrow drawing also from Kendall!
Sushi! He's ridiculously camera shy.
Remember, remember...
Killer bunny vs fierce wolf. Round one, FIGHT!
And oh hey I mentioned I was painting, well this is what I was doing!
Inspiration from Van Gogh's Starry Night.
Because SOMEONE had to model them, and I'm vain.
Also hey guys I was blonde for a while there!
A circus was going on in that corner of my room, I swear.
And that is it for the first epic photo dump of 2008!
Also I get my MacBook in 4 days and I'm ridiculously excited because it's going to be sleek and sexy and I am a consumer whore!